Visi, Misi & Tujuan


Menjadi pusat pendidikan, riset dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang handal di bidang peternakan di tingkat regional dan nasional serta menghasilkan sarjana peternakan yang berkualitas.



  1. Mengembangkan sumber daya manusia yang terampil dalam bidang peternakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja di tingkat regional, nasional dan internasional.
  2. Mengembangkan riset murni (pure science) dan riset-riset terapan (applied science) dalam bidang peternakan yang dibutuhkan bagi pengembangan ilmu dan teknologi serta sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat.
  3. Mengkaji hasil-hasil riset yang telah dicapai dan menerapkan bagi kepentingan masyarakat dan perkembangan industri peternakan.


  1. Menghasilkan lulusan bidang peternakan yang berkualitas tinggi dan berdaya guna,
  2. Menghasilkan riset-riset yang berguna dalam pengembangan dan penemuan teknologi terbaru serta berguna dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat,
  3. Menghasilkan karya-karya kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dalam bidang peternakan yang berguna bagi masyarakat dan industri.

Profil Program Studi

Based on the Decree of the Minister of P and K Number 1312 dated October 10, 1985, the Department of Animal Husbandry was integrated into the Faculty of Agriculture. Currently the Animal Husbandry Study Program is Accredited "Excellent" based on BAN-PT decision No. 3228/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-PPJ/S/V/2022, which is valid from June 7, 2022 to June 2027.
The focus areas of the Animal Science study program consist of Animal Nutrition and Forage Science, Animal Breeding and Reproduction, Poultry Science, Ruminant Production Science and Animal Product Technology and has 6 teaching laboratories consisting of the Poultry Science and Technology Laboratory, Animal Breeding and Reproduction Science Laboratory, Nutrition and Forage Science Laboratory, Milk Processing Science and Technology Laboratory, Ruminant Production Science and Technology Laboratory and Meat Processing Science and Technology Laboratory. The livestock study program also has a field laboratory covering an area of 3.2 Ha which is intended for supporting facilities for the tri darma of higher education in the form of student practicum facilities, student research as well as lecturers and community service facilities. The Animal Husbandry Study Program has 27 lecturers with details of 14 men and 13 women. The total number of teaching staff with doctoral degrees is 12 people and the rest are masters 15 people. Functionally, the program has 3 professors, 7 people at the head lecturer level, 10 people at the lecturer level and 7 expert assistants.
The organizational structure of the Study Program is headed by a head of the Study Program, since its establishment it has undergone several leadership periods including:
1. Ir. Mohd. Djamin Areubi, MS (1985-1994)
2. Dr. Gunawan, MS (1994-2001)
3. Dr. Ir. Yusdar Zakaria, MS (2001-2005) 3.
4. Dr. Ir. Hasan Basri, MS (2005-2008)
5. Dr. Ir. Zulfan, M. Sc (2008-2012)
6. Dr. Ir. Dzarnisa, M. Si (2012-2016)
7. Dr. Ir. Eka Meutiasari, M. Sc (2016-2022)
8. Prof. Dr. Ir. Eka Meutiasari, M. Sc (2022-2024)
9. Prof. Dr. Zuraida Hanum, S. Pt, M. Si (2024-present)
Since its establishment, the Animal Husbandry study program has contributed maximally in supporting government policies and producing 3 Indonesian national standards in the form of SNI Aceh Cattle, SNI Gayo Buffalo and SNI Simelue Buffalo. The Animal Husbandry study program has also held competencies in the field of animal husbandry in collaboration with the Livestock Professional Certification Institute, achieving superior achievements and establishing cooperation both at home and abroad in the development of sustainable animal husbandry.